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Things To Know About  Self Publishing  Vs. Traditional Publishing


Upcoming writers usually have a hard time deciding on whether to have an agent and look for a traditional publisher or to self-publish. One thing that authors should know is that nowadays the publishing industry has changed a lot. Technology has really improved therefore anyone can be able to publish their story's without having any much struggles. The availability has opened up the publishing industry for anyone who is able to write their stories.


It has really helped the small publishers quite a lot including the ones that publish one or two books from a single author. That mostly happens when an author to self-publish and create their own self-publishing company so that they can be able to publish their own stuff. It has really allowed many printing companies to expand their services so that they can include new authors who publish at this link as are known to publish around 20copies of a single book. They are also able to get independent authors the pay as you go authors.


These days things have changed quite a lot because traditional publishers are not the only ones supplying books to the public. Their sales have really dropped; therefore it has really lead to them being more strict on whose book they will take on. Traditional publisher are the ones using their own money for production and some of the marketing so that the can be sure that they can be able to sell at least 10000 copies of a single title in order for them to be able to make some money.


Traditional publishers are known to pay authors less money, and they are known not to do much marketing of your book anymore, they prefer authors who do their own promotion, pay for their own book tours and pay for their own promotion. They like someone who ensures that they their part and they will work on making the money. Someone should not hesitate using the traditional publishers because at the end of the day they are taking all the risks most especially if you are a new writer thou nowadays they do not pay for the marketing projects. When it comes traditional publishers they only accept submissions through an agent otherwise your submission will get turned down, or it goes to the trash. At the end of the day, if you are a writer, you should ensure that you choose a publishing that works for you. Gain ideas, visit

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